I like to build
I'm a web developer / designer who really likes to build websites. It's a pretty good coincidence. My focus right now is trying to improve with CSS. I believe CSS is the future toolbox of web designers and will be the most important web development skill moving forwards. Time to move those boxes.

I work at Firebase
I joined Firebase as an early stage employee and then went on an exciting journey to Google where I’ve still been on the Firebase team for over 7 years. I'm a Developer Relations Engineer. That's a fancy way of saying I work on tooling, content, docs, and product launches. I have done a lot of YouTube videos for Firebase and I have my own channel were I post about being Bad at CSS.
I'm 35 years old
I look young and the older I get the nicer it is. I have two kids and I can't count the amount of times people have asked me if I'm their brother or babysitter. I promise I have a mouth and a whole other lower part of my face. I made a decision that this was a part of the art direction of the site, so I’m stuck with it now.

This is Darla
She is a Bernese Mountain Dog and a majestic creature. Darla likes ear rubs and cheese. When you stop and think about it, who doesn't? Yes, she is my dog.